Pat Morrish on ABC Far North
The ABC is celebrating its 80th birthday this year. As a part of that, former ABC Far North (Queensland) presenter Pat Morrish has written an insightful and fascinating article on her time with ...
The Power 50 oversights
This week SPA and theMusic released their list of the 'Power 50', the 50 most powerful people in the music industry. Whilst all the people on the list were highly talented, radio was conspicuous ...
Hauraki to poach Devlin
New Zealands TRN is thisclose to poaching high-profile RadioLive presenter Martin Devlin from Mediaworks. TRN's Director of Programming and Marketing, David Brice, has offered Devlin the ...
Macvean leaves SCA
After eight years with Southern Cross Austereo, Jeremy Macvean will leave his role as head of digital and new business development in September. SCA will be establishing a new role titled 'head ...
Nova doing their civic duty
Nova 100 have developed a great piece of story arc content around the confusing parking meter signs in Melbourne. After receiving a parking fine that she felt was undeserved, Nova 100's Breakfast ...