What's New

Triple M arseing about
The Triple M Sydney Breakfast Show has developed the 'Arse Pie', a pie created by a Campbelltown baker to a brief from Matty Johns, Gus Worland and Mark Geyer. The 'arse pie' which is being ...
Hughesy gets stalkerish
Dave 'Hughesy' Hughes from Nova 100 is known for his love of sport, and this often manifests itself in him having a man-crush on various sporting personalities. Generally, they are Carlton ...
Nicki Minaj walks out on radio gig
Annual concerts are common for many of the major American radio stations: KROQ has the Weenie Roast, KIIS has Wango Tango, and New York hip hop station Hot 97 has the Summer Jam. Generally, the ...
Chrissie speaks out
The firestorm around the criticism of Chrissie Swan has continued overnight with the story being covered both on ACA and Today Tonight. You can watch the ACA story here and the TT story here. ...
Radio puts its breast foot forward
In late June a number of Perth media celebrities will abseil down the tallest building in the Western Australian capital, Central Park, to raise awareness for breast cancer. The event is part of ...
LNP expels 4BC presenter
Gary Hardgrave, Drive Presenter on 4BC Brisbane and Sky News Commentator on the Paul Murray Show, has been expelled from the Liberal National Party in Queensland. Hardgrave is a former politician ...
Darwin gets kissed
Tourism Northern Territory have had a long association with London CHR station Kiss 100, with the most recent campaign involving flying 6 winners with some of the Kiss announcing team to spend a ...
2ST Nowra turns 40
2ST Nowra turns 40 this year, and celebrated with a reunion on saturday night in Bomaderry. There is a terrific selection of photos and marketing content from across the 40 years online at the ...
JJJ concert rained out
Triple J's 'One Night Stand' in Dalby which we previewed here last week, was cancelled last night when the weather deteriorated so badly that the show could not go on safely. It was, in ...
Mix appoint Missen
Daryl Missen has been appointed as 'Image and Content Producer' for Mix 101.1 in Melbourne. Daryl is one of Australia's most experienced and highly-regarded producers having worked with ...
How to do a surf report
For years, radio stations in most coastal locations have provided surf reports, they are good content and they are good for revenue. KOFM in Newcastle are no different, however they do one thing ...
Chrissie holds head high
Chrissie Swan from ARN's Mix FM network has posed for a photo shoot, and given an interview, with the Australian Women's Weekly (AWW). They have been published in the magazine and in part ...
13% should get a seat – Singo
John Singleton has come out and supported Gina Rinehart's move for board representation at Fairfax Media, controller of the Fairfax Radio Network. When asked if Rinehart should be offered a board ...