What's New

HOT FM hit the road
With the London Olympics just over 2 weeks away, many stations have obviously been brainstorming ways to reflect this massive event. Whether it's a contest, imaging, music features, or stunts, ...
Missy is definitely back
Missy Higgins' latest song "Everyone's Waiting" has been getting some early support from metro radio. FOX FM Content Director Dave Cameron says of her comeback… "So talented, so glad ...
Hinch names again
It's been just over 6 months since Derryn Hinch was released from home detention for breaching suppression orders to name two sex offenders. At the time Hinch said, “Has it been worth it, ...
TR FM & 3TR give away a beaut ute
TR FM and Gold 1242 in Traralgon have given away around $60,000 worth of prizes at the weekend to an unemployed father of 3 kids…..great for the winner, and just as great for the promos ...
Tomorrow is Tuesday. Every Tuesday in July is 'Tony Martin Tuesday' right ? Yeah…..well…….no, not quite…..
SCA Hit London
In a clever campaign to create lots of talk at media agencies, and give them a money-can't-buy experience at the Olympics, the Today Network have launched "Hit London" with Fifi & Jules plus ...
Pandora sneak back in
In a recent article on itechreport.com.au, they believe Pandora have quietly snuck back into Australia. Pandora is another online music streaming service that will compete with Spotify, Rdio and ...
Pat Morrish on ABC Far North
The ABC is celebrating its 80th birthday this year. As a part of that, former ABC Far North (Queensland) presenter Pat Morrish has written an insightful and fascinating article on her time with ...
The Power 50 oversights
This week SPA and theMusic released their list of the 'Power 50', the 50 most powerful people in the music industry. Whilst all the people on the list were highly talented, radio was conspicuous ...
Hauraki to poach Devlin
New Zealands TRN is thisclose to poaching high-profile RadioLive presenter Martin Devlin from Mediaworks. TRN's Director of Programming and Marketing, David Brice, has offered Devlin the ...