HOT FM hit the road

Staff Writer

With the London Olympics just over 2 weeks away, many stations have obviously been brainstorming ways to reflect this massive event.

Whether it's a contest, imaging, music features, or stunts, you have to reflect it in some way.

The breakfast show on HOT FM in W.A, "Tom & Heidi", have designed their own torch relay and will be taking it to their listeners. Something that seems easy enough in a Sydney, Adelaide, Newcastle or Brisbane, but these guys broadcast to a massive area.

The tour starts in Merredin this Monday and will finish up in Kalgoorlie on Friday July 27 with a big closing ceremony party just in time for the real games to kick off.

Tom & Heidi will be taking each other on in various sporting challenges like polocrosse, shot put, hockey and even cherry spitting.

They have even created their own torch for the tour.

To get some idea of the distance they'll be travelling check this….

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