Hughesy leaves for laughs
Dave Hughes is performing at the annual 'Just For Laughs' Comedy Festival in Montreal from the 23rd of July. Whilst it is obviously unhelpful to have half of your Breakast Team away bang in the ...
Tweeting jokes in bad taste
After a devastating event it stands to reason that posting jokes on social media are a big NO NO, and many radio stations tread very carefully in this area. Not apparently for Kyle & Jackie ...
Brad adds another
from Brad March…. "Thanks  for all your comments, suggestions and emails on the Top 25 Influential Women in Radio. Your response has been overwhelming. From your feedback there's one ...
“It’s utter crap”
Angela Catterns and Ross Solly have laughed off suggestions she is auditioning for his job as breakfast presenter at 666 ABC Canberra. ‘‘It’s utter crap’’ Catterns ...
Eardrum broaden
You've heard them……a LOT……those CRA ads voiced by Mark Mitchell promoting the effectiveness of radio advertising. They were developed by 'Eardrum', a radio specialist ...
From Brad March…. It’s with my sincerest apologies to Joan Warner from Commercial Radio Australia that I realise I have left her off the list of the Top 25 Influential Women in ...