Kyle & Jackie O meet the office manager
It's now less than 24 hours until Kyle & Jackie O and the new KIIS 1065 station hit Sydney.
This morning they have released this video.
Coral, who is the office manager at ARN Sydney, sat down with the duo and ran through some of the office rules. One of them Kyle has an issue with.
Meanwhile, the Sunday Telegraph have reported that 2Day FM have no plans to do anything with the old Kyle & Jackie O Facebook page.
SCA said, "We're excited about building a new community for Jules, Merrick & Sophie with Mel B by launching a brand new facebook page for the team. We have no current plans to do anything with the previous 2Day FM breakfast show page."
There has been a dispute over the page as Kyle & Jackie O wanted to take it with them to KIIS, while SCA were possibly looking to re-brand it with the new 2Day breakfast show.
Kyle's manager, Andrew Hawkins, is still awaiting a judgment call from Facebook HQ to determine the outcome of the battle.
His argument was that to change the name of the Kyle and Jackie O page to that of 2Day FM Breakfast, SCA was willingly misleading the followers who would now receive all new and potentially unwanted updates in their Facebook news feed.
According to Facebook's official page terms, it will only process name changes and migrations that do not result in a misleading or unintended connection.
"Changing the name of 'KyleandJackieO' to '2DayFMBreakfast' would be an 'unintended connection' we believe," Hawkins said.
"The fans like Kyle and Jackie O – not the other guys."
Read more in the Sunday Telegraph.