Erin Molan’s Hughesy, Ed and Erin tattoo
2DayFM’s Erin Molan has sworn her allegiance to the Hughesy, Ed and Erin breakfast show by getting a tattoo to cement the team in Australia’s radio landscape.
A tattooist was brought into the studio to tattoo Erin and Hughesy separately before they revealed to one another on air what tattoo they had gotten.
Hughesy had ‘breathe’ tattoed on his left wrist as recommended by Ed, while Erin revealed something a little braver.
Erin revealed she had ‘H, E & E’ tattooed on the inside of her right hand’s middle finger to represent Hughesy, Ed and Erin.
Videos were posted to Instagram showing Erin struggling with the process before showing the outcome.
“My mum’s going to kill me,” Erin said.
View this post on Instagram
The trio laughed on-air as Erin revealed her tattoo saying that the team is now stuck together.
“This is like when my now wife of 20 years got ‘I love Dave’ on her leg when we had been going out for three months,” said Hughesy.
“She committed me to it, and you’re now committed to the radio show!”
“It means they can’t can us, ever!” said Erin.
Erin joined Hughesy and Ed in 2021 and the team isn’t showing any signs of going anywhere soon with this latest stunt.
In Survey 2 for 2022 the shows ratings increased 0.9%.
I suppose the H, E & E tattoo on Erin’s middle finger will come in handy when H, E and E gets the lemonade and sars.
So this is a fake tattoo?
Hope it’s a temporary tattoo.