Triple M Perth welcomes Katie Lamb to The Rush Hour
92.9 Triple M Perth today announced that Katie Lamb is joining Triple M’s Rush Hour from November 7.
Lamb will join current host Andrew ‘Embers’ Embley for The Rush Hour with Embers and Katie – listeners can expect plenty of footy banter.
“I can’t wait to join the team at Triple M. I feel I’m so ready for this next chapter and new journey in my career. I’m beyond excited to get on air and have a laugh with Embers,” said Lamb.
Lamb started working dawn shifts at 92.9 in 2011 before moving to another network, where she stayed for ten years, covering every possible job in radio.
Starting as a weekend announcer and panel operator, Lamb made her way to programming before jumping back on air as the Afternoons announcer and Operations Manager.
Off air, Lamb shows off her division 1 netball premiership medal for City Beach, rates the best chicken schnitzels in Perth via her Instagram, and plays any form of competitive sport, including beer pong.
Triple M Perth Head of Content, Tim Arnold, expects big things from Katie.
“Katie is a future star of Perth radio. I can’t wait to hear her in the environment she belongs – front and centre as part of a full show, driving you home for Perth, from Perth,” said Arnold.
“I also want to thank the amazing Dani Shuey who has done an exceptional job filling in with Embers for the last few months. She’s a superstar who I am so happy to have in the Triple M family. “
Hear The Rush Hour with Embers and Katie on 92.9 Triple M 4-6pm weekdays or via the free LiSTNR app from Monday, November 7.