3AW celebrates
Powerhouse Melbourne talk station 3AW today turns 80, having launched on 22 February 1932. It remains the only AM station in Melbourne to retain it's original call-sign, which came from the ...
Battle of the sports shows
An intriguing tussle will recommence, with a slight twist, next Monday 27 February in Adelaide. With the new Triple M national drive show commencing that day, Triple M have moved their sports ...
Knowledge is power
The Radio Today 'airplay' menu item (above) contains the most comprehensive and up to date data on music airplay and advertiser airplay in Australian radio courtesy of our friends at Aircheck. ...
Radio people make Top 50
The Australian has today released its list of the most influential people in the Australian media in 2012, and there are seventeen people named in the list who are either directly involved in the ...
MTR squeezes MRN’s profits
The Macquarie Radio Network  has released it half-year results for the 6 months ending 31 December 2011, and if you are a shareholder it is a tough read. Whilst MRN have booked a revenue ...
Welcome to Radio Today
You found us. Good news. We were hoping you might drop by, you’re looking good – have you done something with your hair? Welcome to Radio Today: radio’s online ...