Another Amazing Race
2Day FM's Amazing Race cross-promotion returns for the second year this morning. The teams are made up of celebrities, 2Day staffers and a listener team. The event will be filmed by Channel 7's ...
Nova Adelaide go old school
Nova Adelaide turned a negative into a positive this morning following a catastrophic failure of the stations Maestro server. The server failed at 6.55am – right on peak listening time ...
Kiss from a Seal
Strong content comes from anywhere, and often it involves taking something topical, twisting it, and going the extra mile to create topicality with a twist. Nice topical viral video on 'The ...
SmoothFM launched
SmoothFM has launched today in Melbourne and Sydney, you can hear the stations on Radio Today's 'listen live' page here. There was no launch production piece, rather a brief low-key scripted and ...
MMM do it for the Salvos
Triple M has been involved with the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal for some years and yesterday, for the second time, on National Busking Day they raised plenty of cash for the Salvos. In ...
Time of Dangi’s life
The publicity Nova 969 have received over the Dangi trip to Australia has been extraordinary, it has been a very powerful story arc for both the station and for Fitzy and Wippa. With Chandra ...
Laurel ticks 20 years at 4KQ
Congratulations are in order to Laurel Edwards who today celebrates 20 years on Breakfast at 4KQ. As Program Director Barry Drinkwater said "an amazing achievement", over what is believed to ...