PodFinder is here to help you discover new podcasts

Staff Writer

Podcast discovery can be a difficult business, and now PodFinder is here to help.

According to Medium, there are over 700,000 podcasts out there, from over 155 countries and recorded in over 100 languages.

83% of Aussies of aware of podcasting, but with giants like Apple and Spotify holding a large portion of the audience with their databases, discovering new podcasts can be a problem.

Now there’s Podfinder, a chatbot based in Facebook Messenger.

Listeners can search by topic or keyword and PodFinder will make recommendations of shows worth listening to, and shows can be previewed directly in messenger.

The team at PodFinder adds additional metadata to aid in discovery, and users can ask questions in freeform that will be responded to by a conversation UI.

PodFinder was developed because its makers found that there is a gap between people trying out a show and becoming regular podcast listeners.

Plus, the more people who try the service, the better the recommendations will become.

PodFinder will eventually make its way to Google Home and Amazon Alexa.

The PodFinder beta is available now on Facebook Messenger.

Visit podfinder.com or search for PodFinder in Messenger.

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6 Jun 2019 - 1:10 pm

nice idea but the tech has a ways to go. Worth keeping an eye on.


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