Oliver wins Grand Finale of Nova 106.9’s Handball Blitz


For the third year running, Brisbane’s Southside is home to the city’s best handballer – with eleven year old Oliver winning the Grand Finale of Nova 106.9’s Handball Blitz.

The battle lines were drawn at Suncorp Stadium on a purpose-built handball stage set up during half time at the Broncos versus Eels NRL game over the weekend.

Oliver went up against 9-year-old Noah, the culmination of Ash, Luttsy & Susie O’Neill’s two-month search for Brisbane’s best handballer in 2024.

League legend Darren Lockyer, alongside Ash, Luttsy & Susie, presented the huge trophy to Oliver in front of a 45,000-strong crowd.

The popular promotion sees the brekky show’s Mitch Lewis visit schools around Southeast Queensland, hosting games to find the best handballer on the Northside and on the Southside who then battle it out at the Grand Final.

Schoolyard handball (also known as four square or downball) is played in schools across Australia and is one of the most popular playground sports thanks to the quick set-up time, simple rules and only needing a ball to play.

Nova’s 106.9’s Handball Blitz was a finalist in the Most Creative Station Promotion category at last year’s ACRAs.

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Round it up nova
27 Aug 2024 - 8:53 am

– 45,000 Strong Crowd (Nova)
– 36,289 Strong Crowd (Ausstadiums)


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