Radio’s Future is Looking Good: 30 UNDER 30 Winners List

Here they are. The cream of this year’s crop.

It must be said that all the finalists were of a high calibre, including those who missed the cut.

Natalie Pozdeev, who helped judge the Radio Today 30 Under 30 Awards and leads the radio and podcasting team at the Australian Film Television and Radio School, had this to say, “What impressive submissions! The top entries showed a real depth of understanding in leadership, the potential of audio to connect with audiences, and where our industry is going.

‘This has been such an energising experience – the future of our industry is bright.”

Indeed it is!

Congratulations to all the finalists and winners too.

Many thanks to our judging panel who, despite being busy people themselves, were happy to help identify the industry’s future leaders.

Peter Saxon, Managing Editor.



Producer 3AW -also on air fill in and executive producer  for a fortnightly podcast- Ross Recommends

“The biggest challenge in the audio industry at the moment is how rapidly it is changing. It really is the most exciting time to be in audio, there is so much opportunity for growth and change. But the biggest challenge in the industry is knowing where to aim the trajectory in a sustainable way. With the added challenge of competing with short-form content like TikTok, finding the place for audio amongst all that is tricky to manage. The real challenge is having to take the plunge into something new, foreign and be willing to fail. This covers all areas, sales, production, presenting, IT, social, digital. The challenge is keeping up, evolving and ideally being ahead of the curve.”



Head of Podcasts & deputy Editorial Director  Mamamia

Growing a trusted audience is key to having a successful podcast, but the ability to listen to what your audience wants and often know what your audience wants before they do, makes a successful podcast. Putting the audience first is something I pride myself on, not just in the content we create, but the ads we write and the podcasts we chose to put out into the world.



Music & Programming Manager CADA Sydney

“The biggest challenge facing the radio and audio industry is dilution of attention. There is so much competition for your thought. This makes it incredibly difficult to embed in. What makes your brand stand out? Are you ‘sticky’? Is your content or music good/correct? “



Breakfast host. MAGIC 93.1 Berri SA

“When it comes to working within media industries, everyone wants to be able to stay in their ‘lane’ and hope that it’s enough, but I don’t believe it is anymore. When listeners engage, they don’t just want to listen, they want to be part of the world that is being created and stay involved for a long period of time. In 2022, this means there is little choice but to hop on the ‘bandwagon’ and embrace this new media world. At the end of the day, listeners will guide us and be transparent with what they want and how they want information presented to them. We as an industry must be willing to embrace and accept this and go with the flow- we cannot be afraid of change.”



Development Manager ACAST

“My best professional attribute is my adaptability. In an industry like Podcasting, with trends emerging and fading every few months, talent coming up with new ideas and abandoning old ones, and sales teams always trying to break the mould and try something new, adaptability is essential for success.”



Producer and announcer  ACE Radio Horsham

“There is still a lot more work to do for stations in remote areas to ensure listeners, of all ages, are tuning into the radio. Whether that be through turning it on in their car, or finding a fun and engaging piece of content online that allows them to decide they will tune in next day through a streaming platform, ensuring stations have the knowledge about how they can upgrade their way of releasing content, it will have a change for the better.”



Tech, ACE Radio

“Professional success looks different to everyone – indeed. Its also measured differently. I believe and I may not be right here, but some people say a big paying job, living in a mansion with the flashest of cars is success…others measure success by simply having a roof over their heads because they have a job. I however, look at it this way; if you never have to work a day in your life in your ‘work’, then that in itself is professional success. You don’t feel like your dragging your feet on the ground or struggling to get out of bed each morning to go to ‘work’, you enjoy what you do, and it’s not a ‘chore’.”


Panel Operater and Producer 3AW

“Professional success to me is also being able to see all that hard work you put in, begin to pay off; the long hours, persistence, risk taking, compromises and dedication. This is the definition of professional success. It is also so incredibly important that you are one-hundred percent happy with what you do for work and are doing something that is really meaningful to you. If you are happy with what you do for work, I strong believe that you will never have to work a single day in your life.”



Producer /Panel Operator 2GB Sydney

Whether it be music, talk, sport, racing, or special interest – radio offers dependability and trustworthiness not found anywhere else. This is our selling point and I feel like our greatest challenge is not having the right people entering the ranks to take what we do to the next level and keep things ahead of the game.



Account Manager  Ace Radio Horsham

“Our job as Account Managers is to constantly remind clients that the need to still advertise is real and we are here for them. We understand their concern and ensure them the benefits of advertising will continue to help their business grow through these difficult times.”



Partner Manager ACAST

“I think within Australia the biggest challenge we face as an industry is the belief that bigger = better. We know that scale is a frontrunner when it comes to monetisation, however I think there’s a huge knowledge gap between those spending the dollars and the podcasts that people actually invest hours of their life listening to.”



Executive Producer CADA

“It is so easy to become desensitised to the importance that radio plays on its audience when you’re doing it day in and day out so although the bigger picture of recognition, awards and results do drive me to succeed, the most memorable moments for me of what I would define as professional success in my roles have been the selfless acts that prove the radio industry is bigger than all of us.”



Sales Leader  of Digital Audio Expansion SBS

“First things first, we’ve got to remind clients why audio is so valuable and should be a priority on their buy. Unlike our TV counterparts, traditional radio consumption remains steady, with growth coming from digital audio.”




Account Director ARN Sydney

“By connecting to audiences in new and meaningful ways, every day, we’ll sustain relevance, meet consumer demand, and retain marketable appeal. Consequently, stealing greater share of voice (perhaps ear?); whilst creating better content, and generating more revenue opportunities.”



Digital Sales Lead ARN Adelaide and Perth

“Professional success will look different for each individual depending on what kind of role they have within the audio industry.  believe that professional success in a sales role in the audio industry can be split into three pillars; Business Success, Client Success and Personal Success.”


Rachael Hart

Executive Podcast Producer NOVA

“The entertainment market is so saturated with all these different platforms with video probably being one of the most popular. So, the challenge really is keeping an audience, right? Enticing them to come in and stay with you.

“But there’s nothing quite like audio. It’s real, it’s raw and it’s unfiltered. And that is exactly what people want, the days of over filtered images are done, people want to be able to relate. It’s through our creativity that we can build a deeper connection with the fanbase and find new ways to do something that’s been done a million times before.”



Account Director ARN  Brisbane

“As an Account Director, I strive to be an Audio champion to my clientele by demonstrating an understanding of the Audio landscape that is conducive to addressing and solving business challenges.”


Digital Content Producer Will & Woody, KIIS

“People are moving away from the ‘influencer’ lifestyle, following people whose lives seem unattainable, who travel every second week and buy a month’s rent on designer handbags. Authenticity is what people’s attention is turning to. Someone relatable and human. Keeping content authentic is the best way to grow and retain an audience.”



Producer 2GB

“Another marker of professional success is constantly being challenged. I love trying new things and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. That is one thing I love about radio, it allows you the opportunity to become an expert in a new topic each day! You’re covering federal politics, international moments in history and local stories that impact listeners right here in Sydney. I strive to continue to learn new things for the entirety of my career.”



Executive producer 4BC of Drive show, “Brisbane Live” 

“At 4BC, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about radio is that the medium is extremely personal. For our listeners, the content we put to air each day between the hours of 3pm and 6pm can often be some of the most important parts of their day. The medium allows for an intimate connection with every single listener, as if you’re having in-depth, one-on-one conversations with thousands of people all at the same time on everything they need to know that day.”



Production Manager And Workday Announcer at 949 POWERFM/2ST in NOWRA

“Our audience should always be top of mind when making radio. Feedback may come in simply through the odd phone call or email/social media message, all the way up to survey results. We of course take on board any feedback that we do receive from our listeners. The strategy of adapting and ageing with the listeners can be useful in keeping long term audience members, but eventually that audience will “expire”. As well as appealing to a current audience (depending on the target market), stations need to also prepare for the market that is coming through.”



Newswriter  2DAYFm

“I absolutely love my job and feel a sense of achievement with every story I write. I am so proud to tell people I prepare the news bulletins for Erin Molan to read every morning, and to work at a radio station as fun and exciting as 2DayFm. Finding a fulfilling and rewarding job that feels more like ‘me’ had always been a big career goal of mine and to achieve this so early on in my career is something I am very proud of.”


News Editor 2GB

“I think one of the biggest challenges facing the audio industry is diversity, particularly in on-air roles. I have always been a firm believer in the phrase ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’, and I think it often rings true for my line of work. Growing up, it was often difficult to find people like myself reflected in the media I was exposed to. While I’ve noticed a big improvement in the years since then, I think there’s still a long way to go.”



Newsreader Krock 95.5 and Bay 93.9  Geelong

“Radio broadcasting has overcome many hurdles of the changing digital world with the ability to adapt to its environment. People want access to news, entertainment and various information instantaneously. I believe one of the biggest challenges is keeping younger audiences engaged due to the development of podcasts, Spotify and other platforms like Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook. Many people plug in their phones to their car and stream these services but I have noticed a huge need for radio throughout the COVID-19 pandemic “


Triple M Bunbury

“I think the biggest challenge for Australian audio, is that by entering the world of podcasting we move from our local markets to global markets. Australian radio is going strong. It’s an amazing audio billboard and is perhaps the most convenient technology in the world.”


Senior Account Director ARN

“So much of what success can be defined as within our industry is exceeding budgets, delivering great share results across our agencies, and providing relevant solutions for clients. While these are obviously critical to my role, personally I define professional success from a different perspective. For me, the quality of the relationships that I possess both internally and externally define professional success.”



Content Producer KIIS Melbourne

“I think professional success is currently seen as something VERY different to what I think it should be. I imagine people say ‘ratings, strong content and creativity’, which is correct but not for me. Professional success, to me, looks like being happy with a team around me that trusts in the decisions we ALL make and have to make on a daily basis. A team that works well together, has fun, respects each other personally (and professionally) and has a collective clear understanding of the show and station content direction – is successful.”



Agency Manager,  SCA.

“A leader must be comfortable with change.

“A leader must have perseverance.

“A leader must be authentic.”


Panel Operator Announcer and Host 3AW,  4BC, 2GB, 2CC, Fiveaa

“Although I am incredibly determined I also believe in training the next generation to be great broadcasters. I believe in educating emerging talent to be the best broadcasters that they can be, by not only teaching them what they need to know but also by encouraging them to take risks, try new things, and not be afraid to take any opportunity that presents itself.”



Executive Producer /Panneling/ Anchoring FIVEaa, Adelaide

“I’m a proud millennial, and generally speaking we’re often described as creative, adaptive, and passionate. Radio and the audio industry was made exactly for us. From script writing, journalism, producing and presenting, to client briefs, promotions, sales and marketing, the industry is there for us to jump into and have a crack. Us young’uns have passion in spades, and there is still a lot of creative availability in the audio industry.”


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20 Dec 2022 - 8:48 am

Brooke Humble so very deserving to be in this winner’s list!

20 Dec 2022 - 9:27 pm

Absolutely stoked to see Kate Vallance on the list. A digital superstar who worked her way up and has made her mark in the radio space.

21 Dec 2022 - 9:46 am

Is this a list of every single person under the age of 30 that works in radio?

    2 Jan 2023 - 9:35 am

    Tony, your cynicism is showing. Happy new year!

June Rouvray
21 Dec 2022 - 11:34 am

Well done Lucy! Love you on radio! Watch out 5aa, a new star has emerged!


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