4 new appointments at Fairfax
Here are the appointments announced today at Fairfax Radio Network :- Clark Forbes is their National Content Director CEO Adam Lang says: “Clark Forbes brings a great depth of experience to ...
Menz moves from dmg to SCA
After 10 years with dmg, Scott Menz has made the jump to SCA to be the new Executive Producer of breakfast and Assistant Content Director at SAFM in Adelaide. Scott is no stranger to the Adelaide ...
Hauraki vs The Rock
This time last week we told you how New Zealand radio station 'Hauraki' was re-launching to compete more effectively with Mediaworks station 'The Rock'. The most recent survey in Auckland showed ...
K-Rock Geelong get wet
Lesson number one when you take a station vehicle to the beach. Always park a safe distance from the water. Otherwise bad things can happen. Let's just hope the tide doesn't come in too quickly ...