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BY Scott Mayman November 3, 2023
Fun Stuff September 20, 2016
K rock or K Block ?
Avid viewers of ‘The Block’ might have picked up that two of the stars of the show, Andy & Ben, are from Geelong and often are wearing clothing branded K rock.
Whilst both Andy & Ben are schoolteachers in Geelong, Andy has been a regular for the last two years driving the K rock station vehicles and giving out free stuff to listeners in Geelong and the Surf Coast.
Program Director Leigh Kuhlmann was happy to support the boys in their quest for Block glory, saying:
“We love to support local people smashing it on the main stage whether it be the Cats, our local Paralympians or these guys knocking it out of the park.
The fact that they want to rep us on national TV, we can’t say no to that. Plus if it means I get to meet Scott Cam, what can I say? But seriously, we get to meet Scott Cam right?”
Nice score for K rock!
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Fun Stuff
BY Scott Mayman November 2, 2023