Hit makes a move, Star continues to shine: Cairns Survey 1, 2022

The Cairns Survey 1 results for 2022 have been released today, with Star 102.7 remaining on top, but Hit 103.5 showing sound movements.

10+ Snapshot:

  • 26.6 – Star 102.7 (-1.6)
  • 19.2 – Hit 103.5  (+3.3)
  • 13.8 – 99.5 Triple M (-1.5)

Hit 103.5 reported the biggest gain in the 10+, showing a +3.3 rise to finish second overall at 19.2.

The gains reported by Hit 103.5 are largely due to increases in the 10-17 demographic, showing a massive +19.0 jump.

Hit’s rises were also shown in the 40-54 and 55-64 demographics, with +3.9 and +4.8 respectively.

Triple M and Star had noteworthy losses in the 10-17 and 40-54, with some minor gains in other demographics that kept them idle overall.

Star had losses in all time slots, while Hit had gains in all time slots, showing a potential shift in the future with the same trajectory.

For reference, the Cairns Survey 1 results for 2021 can be found here.


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Biased much
15 Nov 2022 - 4:22 pm

I think your headline should read ‘Star 102.7 wins their third consecutive survey’

16 Nov 2022 - 6:17 pm

Not even Warnie can spin as hard as SCA…

20 Nov 2022 - 10:25 pm

Agree with Biased Much. Or maybe “Star is absolutely dominating Cairns”. Or even “What the hell is going on with Triple M getting flogged by so much”.

In all seriousness, Triple M is a disaster. It should own the older demographic as it has no real competition on FM. Another case of a muddled format of talk, sport and music, and music that is all over the place.


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