Zeg on Jonesy’s bike crash
Zeg is a well known Aussie cartoonist, caricaturist, illustrator and animator whose work has appeared in a wide range of mass media. Zeg has shared with us this cartoon about a bike accident that ...
Who are you programming to ?
Tom Watson is president of A.C.C. Consulting & Marketing International with clients in major U.S. markets as well as in Europe and Asia. Tom consulted the Australian Radio Networks in the ...
Yay !! Comments are back
Thanks so much for your understanding over the past week while we've worked through our technical issue. We discovered that what kept on crashing Radio Today was related to our comments module. ...
We apologise
You might have noticed we have been having some regular 'off-lines' over the past 3-weeks or so. Firstly, we apologise. It's not good enough, it's embarrassing, and trust us when we say we're all ...