Eriks Celmins
Co-Founder and Insights Director @

Eriks Celmins was a foundation member of the team that built and launched NOVA, and was responsible for scoping, performing and analysing the research used to build the brand. Eriks has programmed multiple formats in Sydney, Adelaide and New Zealand.

Eriks Celmins brings a wealth of global experience in talking to media, sport & entertainment audiences, as a long-time research & content consultant.

He runs both in-depth quantitative & qualitative research, including his innovative techniques for participant engagement.

Eriks passionately believes in the power of conversation to build fan relationships. Helping entertainment brands gather Exclusive Insights into the Hearts & Minds of their audience.

Which you can now access on his new social-style, private chat-platform cliizii …

Customer Led Insights? Easy cliizii!

He is also a full Member of AMSRS (Australian Market & Social Research Society).

“I’m always open to exploring creative solutions to research challenges. Reach out to me personally if you want to hash out some ideas, or connect with me on LinkedIn“.

Eriks Celmins's articles

Everyone Has A Story
Stories or Stats?Statistics are a necessary part of everyday business life, and radio is no exception. But in a creative enterprise it’s often difficult to resist the forces of hard data ...
5 Essentials for Year 5
When Radio Today launched in 2012, my first article was about the 5 Essentials for radio brand growth for the following 5 years  So here we are in 2016, year 5 already (!), time to review ...
Confessions of A Diary Keeper
Each survey day generates great heat and emotion, as revenue and reputations go on the block.But what’s often forgotten in the rush, is how the cold numbers actually come from real ...
Research Decoded #3: Share Delight
Continuing our journey through the jungle of research jargon, we now come to TSL & Average Audience/Share.Last time, we explored how it all starts with CumeBut what happens next ? Once ...
Research Decoded #1: The Psycho Word
Research for radio comes in all shapes and sizes, with a truckload of jargon, and its fair share of folk wisdom and myths.In this new series, I’ll cut through the technical buzz words, to ...
Confessions of A Diary Keeper
Each survey day generates great heat and emotion, as revenue and reputations go on the block.But what’s often forgotten in the rush, is how the cold numbers actually come from real ...