Enjoying the view from the River: 94.9 dominates Ipswich Xtra Insights Survey 1


The ARN-owned River 94.9 has dominated Xtra Insights Survey 1 for Ipswich, up 4.0 to 33.6 as the station listened to most among all people 10+, with a massive jump among the 18-24s – up a whopping 13.6 to 28.0 to 41.6.

There were significant gains here too for Triple M Brisbane (+3.8), KIIS (+1.7) and 4BH (+1.4).

The local River Breakfast team of Marnie and Campo is enjoying the view from the top, (up 3.9 to 33.0) and well clear of B105 (-0.8 to 14.5), with KIIS holding down third with 10.0 (+2.5). 4BH rose 1.6 in Breakfast to go to 2.3, whilst the 4BC Brekky team of Laurel, Gary and Mark dropped from 4.6 to 3.0 (-1.6).

River 94.9 Content Director Drew Chapman says “Our local team have done an amazing job of connecting with our local listeners not giving them any reason to listen to our many competitors”.

General Manager David Wiltshire says “Knowing we have the support of our listeners means that we are doing the right thing by them, and we will continue to do so”.




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17 May 2024 - 2:35 pm

The gain seems to come from the loss of 4kq
They do really well, amazing result.
4bh would do better with a stronger signal (night time reduced power is near unusable out this way)


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