DAB+ radios: The perfect stocking filler


Industry body Commercial Radio and Audio (CRA) has launched a major campaign this week, driving home the message that DAB+ radios make great Christmas gifts.

There’s an offer of 30% off most DAB+ radios at JB Hi-Fi.

The pre-Christmas media campaign for gift givers runs until December 24, with JB Hi-Fi extending the 30% offer through to December 31.

Commercials will air across Broadcast Video On Demand (BVOD) stations and YouTube. A social media version will also run on Facebook, along with online banners.

The campaign celebrates the growth of DAB+ stations and listening across Australia’s metro markets, with DAB+ radios at home, at work and in car, now accounting for over 20% of all radio listening.

The last GfK survey revealed a record 12.14m listeners tune into commercial radio each week, and commercial DAB+ stations again performed strongly with almost 2.8 million weekly listeners, up 28% compared to a year ago.

In addition, commercial breakfast DAB+ radio audiences have more than doubled over the last year.

CRA chief executive officer Ford Ennals says “The Australian commercial radio industry is proud to work together to promote DAB+ and educate listeners about the benefits of digital radio.”

DAB+ is the most widely adopted digital radio standard worldwide, on-air in more than 40 countries, and offers more than 20 extra radio stations for Australian listeners.

“4.2m listeners tune into commercial radio through their DAB+ device each week**. This is up by nearly 250,000 listeners vs the previous year.”

“We expect to see Christmas stockings this year filled with DAB+ radios, so gift receivers can enjoy 20 extra radio stations to love listening to over the holiday period.”

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9 Dec 2022 - 1:05 pm

Of course, only worth buying if you live in a capital city. Gold Coast now has DAB but the ABC is not on it!


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