What's New

Dress code goes wrong
Wippa from Nova 969 has had a distasteful incident at the Golden Slipper at the weekend turn into some nice PR for the station and his show. News Limited have reported that Wippa's girlfriend, ...
Why leveraging content is important
Here is a fantastic example of leveraging a simple piece of on-air content into valuable exposure for your radio station. Amanda and Jonesy from WS-FM have received enormously valuable homepage ...
Holleran discusses Kyle with staff
Southern Cross Austereo CEO Rhys Holleran has held an all staff meeting at 2Day FM in Sydney to discuss the Kyle Sandilands incident. Holleran told attendees that he understands the issue ...
NZ Radio Awards finalists
The 2012 New Zealand Radio Awards finalists will be announced via a webcast presentation on Tuesday April 10th at 11am NZ time. The number of entries received this year is well up on ...
JJJ’s Kingsmill makes Power Index
At the Power Index website, Tom Cowie is writing on 10 movers and shakers in Australian Arts and Culture, and he has placed Triple J Music Director Richard Kingsmill at number two on the list. ...
New Zealand survey results released
In what is the '9th busiest survey day of the year' (after the Australian metros), today has seen the release of Wollongong ratings (here), Canberra ratings (here) and now New Zealand ratings in ...
Wollongong Survey released
The Wollongong radio ratings have been released this morning (summary report here). The survey is the first in the market since November 2010 and shows some signficant movements in the ...
Canberra Survey released
Ratings in Canberra have just been released this morning, read the summary report here. 104.7 has remained in the leading position for the 11th consecutive survey, despite a slight fall to ...
NBN Co pulls ads from 2GB
NBN Co has pulled its advertising from 2GB after negative comments were made by Ray Hadley and Andrew Moore prior to reading a paid live commercial. The presenters both made it clear they did not ...