What's New

ABC get the vinyl out again
Back in April, ABC Digital Radio held a 'Back to Vinyl' weekend. They are now bringing it back for a new years special, from January 1 through to January 4. The inspiration for the 'Back to ...
Jason Morrison to do 2UE drive ?
This below has been confirmed as happening – see here Sydney Confidential in The Daily Telegraph have speculated on what is currently going on behind closed doors at 2UE. With Paul Murray ...
Vale Rhett Walker
Rhett Walker is credited as being the person who put together the launch format for Fox FM in 1980 when he was a radio consultant. He then became their first General Manager. In his radio career ...
Nielsen buy Arbitron in US
In September, CRA announced they would be calling for tenders to be submitted for the provision of radio audience measurement commencing in January 2014, following the expiry of Nielsen Media ...
Jones airs apology
The 2GB breakfast announcer has apologised to Sydney's Lebanese Muslim community after being instructed to do so by the Administrative Decisions Tribunal. In 2005 Jones referred to the community ...
Bissell & Romaro on radio pranks
Radio legend Barry Bissell and ex-2Day FM PD Cherie Romaro have given their opinions on radio pranks and the recent tragedy. Bissell has told The Herald Sun today that he left radio after having ...