What's New

Cruise 1323 in ACMA breach
ARN's Cruise 1323 (5DN) in Adelaide has been found in breach after airing a 4 minute long Coles version of Status Quo's Down Down in July last year without appropriate audio to say it was a paid ...
2013 campaign launched for SCA
Southern Cross Austereo have just launched their branding campaign for 2013 on their websites. What is essentially a 4 minute film clip set to Youngblood Hawke's We come running, the video ...
A candid chat with Fifi Box
Fifi & Jules' digital producer, Josh Janssen (pictured), has interviewed Fifi Box for his blog site ‘Josh Speaking’. In the chat he finds out how Fifi went from flipping burgers ...
More radio stations help Tassie
They may be thousands of kilometres away but 4BU and Hitz 939 in Bundaberg in Queensland have helped a local businessman collect 6 tonne of household items to send to the Tasmanian bushfire ...
Vanstone joins RN
Back in July some changes were announced at ABC Radio National. One was that former politician Amanda Vanstone would guest host Counterpoint from October. At the time Station Manager Michael ...
New station for Canberra
DAB+ is currently being trialed in the ACT, so Canberra FM Radio, who operate Mix 106.3 and 104.7, have developed their own pop-up digital station. 'Canberra 100' will help the city celebrate ...
Another little Hughesy
Hughesy didn't make it to Nova 100 breakfast this morning. He had a good excuse though…. Dave and his wife Holly welcomed their third child. Hughesy said on the show this morning: ...
Nova poach Hamish & Andy staffer
Nova has announced the appointment of Katie Dower as Executive Producer of the 'Meshel, Tim & Marty' Drive show. Katie joins her husband, who is also based at Nova 100, Matty Dower; the ...
4GR give away a bidet
Lee & Lizzy from 4GR in Toowoomba recently ran a fun promotion that created some market talk for the station. They explain… During a luxurious five-star stay at Brisbane’s ...
Nova viral video reaches 1m views
In November, Adelaide's Nova 919 morning announcer/APD Jarrod Walsh and Nick 'Wolf' Marwe (Integration Project Manager) recorded Gangnam Style (English Translation). It very quickly reached ...
Sea FM Radiothon raises over 50k
Sea FM in Hobart had a massive day on Friday as they held their 9 hour Radiothon to help the victims of the recent Tasmanian bushfires. They announced this morning that they raised $52,037.70, ...