What's New

Hot FM send Pink around WA
With Pink tickets hot property for many radio listeners, stations are looking for content and PR opportunities to make the most of the event. Hot FM in Western Australia gave away tickets to ...
CEASA release media revenue figures
The Commercial Economic Advisory Service of Australia (CEASA) have released its full 2012 report on media advertising revenue and their change from 2011. While it's no surprise that print has ...
Vevo turns 1 and share their stats
It's been a year since Vevo launched in Australia (see the story from then here). Vevo is a joint venture between Sony and Universal and in Australia is in partnership with MCM Media. Today they ...
2Gay FM returns to Sydney
The rainbow pedestrian crossing on Oxford Street in Sydney has been removed by council (see here). To mark the removal, 2Day FM has followed up it's mardi gras tribute, when the station branded ...
Legendary rocker returns
The Triple M Grill Team spoke with Peter Garrett this morning who took part in a quiz. During it, Garrett revealed he'll be taking the stage with Midnight Oil tonight for a benefit concert for ...
ACMA to review codes
The ACMA are about to begin the process of reviewing its codes which may see increased punishment for broadcasters who break them. ACMA's chairman and chief executive Chris Chapman told Sky Business: