91.7 The Wave’s quiz night raises over $11,000 for Peel Community Kitchen


91.7 The Wave and Peel Thunder’s recent charity quiz night has been hailed a resounding success, raising an $11,307 for the Peel Community Kitchen.

Hosted by 91.7 The Wave breakfast presenters Gunners and Ali, the event drew over 200 people to the Peel Thunder Platinum Room for an evening of fun, laughter, and community spirit.

The Peel Community Kitchen is a local WA charity which serves more than 1,000 meals weekly to individuals and families struggling with food insecurity.

Its dedicated volunteers provide essential support to a diverse range of community members, including local people experiencing homelessness, the unemployed, elderly pensioners, children and families facing financial hardship.

The quiz night featured raffles and auctions of items generously donated by local businesses, a powerful speech from counsellor Amber Kearns, trivia rounds and a special guest appearance from Western Australian MLA David Templeman as Demis Roussos.

“We’re thrilled with the outcome of this event,” says The Wave Breakfast co-host Daniel Gunn.

Fellow brekky host Ali Hill says “The generosity of our community never ceases to amaze us, and we’re proud to support the incredible work of the Peel Community Kitchen.”

“With the cost of living being one of the major issues we are facing, we couldn’t be more grateful for the response from our community” says Kyan Mears, Promotions Coordinator at 91.7 The Wave

The funds raised will significantly boost the kitchen’s ability to continue its mission of providing nutritious meals and support to those in need throughout the Peel region.



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