Better Listen to Saul
In the latest episode of the excellent Re/code Media Podcast, host Peter Kafka (who will be onstage talking media with me at hivio in June) interviewed Peter Gould, the co-creator ...
#RDE16: Day One Wrap
The first impression and overwhelming sense at the conference is that of optimism, perhaps arrogance even, that Radio is the future. Not only does it have a place – it has a dominant place.
Ryan Jon goes viral
Manpower is touring again and UNILAD has taken a vid posing the question: “What is your favourite machine at the gym? The last guy knows…”.  That guy? ...
“Running of the Bull”
Over the weekend, a viral vid was doing the rounds where 15 year old Billy Crole was playing soccer and a bull came out from the bush and charged him, chasing him around the field. It even made ...