Atlas Cook: “I’m stoked to have an on-air role for Triple M in my hometown.”


Imagine landing your first job in commercial radio, and it just happens to be hosting the breakfast shift on a major network in your own hometown.

That town (well city, actually) is Albany, WA, the station is 783 Triple M, and the announcer is Atlas Cook.

And yet, for Atlas, a radio career hadn’t been top of mind as a specific goal.

“If you’d told me ten or even five years ago I would be a radio presenter I probably wouldn’t have believed you,” Atlas tells Radio Today. “Mainly because I used to be quite a nervous public speaker!”

“I was good at talking, just not in front of people.”

“So clearly, radio has been a good compromise, because at least I can’t see the people I’m talking to!”

Super-early wake-up calls are par for the course in breakfast radio and often take some getting used to.

But Atlas says it’s easier now than it was a month ago.

“Traditionally I am a morning person, but 4am sometimes feels more like the middle of the night!”

Atlas spent their early childhood in England. When Atlas was eleven, the family moved across the other side of the world to Perth.

“My dad is Australian and my mum is English so they wanted us to experience a bit of both countries,” Atlas explains.

Later, the family moved down south to Albany – a four-and-a-half-hour drive from Perth – with its rugged coastline and tranquil beaches.

When Atlas was finishing high school, like so many other seventeen year olds, they had no idea what they wanted to do in life.

Atlas decided to enrol in a teaching degree at Edith Cowan University.

“I deferred it and took a gap year,” Atlas says. “That’s when I found the Diploma of Broadcasting and Podcasting course at TAFE.”

But Atlas says that when they signed up for the diploma course, they didn’t realise it would be almost entirely dedicated to learning the ins and outs of the radio industry.

“I’d thought it would be more of a broad media qualification, but I’m so glad that I took the course.”

Through the TAFE course, Atlas became involved with Boom Radio, a non-profit, student-run radio station.

Having been operating for over a decade now, Boom Radio provides a platform for students to learn and grow within the industry.

“Boom Radio was THE thing that shaped my career,” says Atlas.

“I went into the diploma course knowing nothing about radio. I’d listened here and there, but it wasn’t a huge interest.”

“I was very fortunate to have amazing lecturers who were so passionate about the industry and invested in their students.”

“Doing Boom was an absolutely invaluable experience.”

“What’s brilliant about Boom is that you get to try every single aspect of radio. In fact, you have to, as you’re assessed as part of the course.”

“To begin with, I didn’t know if being on air was my jam, but it seems to have shaped up quite well!”

In Atlas’ second year at Boom, as part of the Advanced Diploma, they took on the role of Content Director.

“I think that’s what really pushed me outside my comfort zone,” says Atlas. “It was incredibly beneficial to learn how to manage people, how a team dynamic works and how to navigate tricky conversations.”

Atlas says they’ve been fortunate to have had experienced lecturers like Phil Vinciullo and Annwen Burrows guide them along the way.

“It meant I’ve been able to transfer my skills directly from TAFE into my current job.”

“Phil and Annwen have been amazing for me, as they have been for many of the people who worked at Boom before I did.”

Burrows tells Radio Today she couldn’t be prouder of Atlas.

“From day one as a diploma student in 2023, it was clear that Atlas was a force to be reckoned with. Deliberate, mature beyond their years and unquestionably talented, Atlas came in with a clear purpose and saw it through with precision.”

“I am proud of their journey so far and I’m looking forward to what comes next!

Atlas says they are very lucky to have had supportive parents, with whom to share the ups and downs of radio life.

And it’s still just the start of the journey.

“I’m pretty stoked that my first job in the industry is an on-air role for Triple M in my hometown.”

Atlas says one of their favourite parts of being at Triple M in Albany is having the opportunity to talk to such a wide variety of people and share their stories on air.

“A huge component of my job is interviewing people and I find it fascinating.”

“I also found out that I actually enjoy editing a lot more than I thought I would.”

“As I become more comfortable, I can’t wait to get more creative with my content.”

Enjoying the new adventure that each day brings, Atlas is taking radio life one day at a time.

“I really love learning new skills so I can definitely see myself going into different areas of the industry in the future.”

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