When the theatre is too believable

Staff Writer

In her first month as part of the K-Rock Geelong breakfast show, Becs Lee (right) has already learnt a valuable lesson.

"Never, under any circumstances, use the word 'violated' on air," says Becs.

The B Team developed a story arc that saw a Private Investigator tail Becs for a couple of days. The idea was to snap her in some compromising scenarios like "entering the premises of a rival network, juggling two love interests etc," says Becs, "I would then be cross-examined on air about my questionable activities, and a few damning pics drip-fed online."

That was the idea anyway.

Becs says, "I was told to make my reaction 'believable'. Unfortunately, my performance was a little too convincing and it resulted in a deluge of complaints. We had to abort the whole thing owing to the virtual lynch mob forming on FB and the phone lines."

Hear the break as it went to air :-
or hear it here

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