We apologise!

Staff Writer

Dear you,

Firstly we would like to apologise if you have been receiving the occasional error message when navigating around the Radio Today site over the past week or so. 

Secondly, we'd like to explain why this has occurred.

When we launched Radio Today a month ago, we expected to have a certain amount of traffic, and we arranged a server to suit those requirements. In what is a pleasant problem to be faced with, traffic to the site has grown enormously quickly, far in excess of what we had expected. This has meant the server we started with is struggling to keep up with the traffic.

However, problem averted. We are in the process of moving to a new dedicated server, this process will have happened by the end of next week, and error messages will be gone forever!

So whilst the messages are unhelpful, and we do apologise, the reason they have occurred is a good problem to have to solve!

Thought we'd let you know.

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