Triple M’s Tanya Wilks receives her OAM

Newcastle Triple M’s Tanya Wilks of the Tanya & Steve Breakfast show was recently awarded her OAM by the Governor General of Australia for her services to broadcast media and the community.

Tanya was named on the Australia Day Honour list and received the award at a ceremony at Government House in Sydney.

“I am hugely honoured and more than a little bit chuffed to receive this OAM. To realise others thought me worthy to devote considerable time and energy into nominating me is deeply humbling,” Tanya said.

“A great many people work tirelessly for others in our community and not everyone gets the recognition they so richly deserve so I’m aware of how special this is, and I shall always cherish it with pride.”

SCA Group Content Director – Newcastle, Jase Allen, said, “Tanya Wilks OAM is one of a kind and for over 20 years has devoted herself to making the lives of Novocastrians better, from representing the community at countless organisations, setting up charities and being the top rating and number one voice in Newcastle since her debut on the airwaves.

“Congratulations Tanya, we’re honoured to have you on the Triple M team.”

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Ben Digo
3 May 2023 - 7:57 am

Congratulations Tanya!


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