Sydney’s Eastside 87.9FM celebrates 40 Years On Air


Sydney community station Eastside Radio this year celebrates 40 years on air.

Having started out in 1983, the station is an established cultural icon with a loyal following of listeners, playing everything from jazz and blues to hip hop and funk.

Excited for the year ahead, the station says “We certainly asked and you gave us your ideas about how we should celebrate this year. We’re now putting into place our plans for a Radio Film Festival, a series of small concerts in an intimate venue and a big celebratory party at our new studio’s home of Bondi Pavilion.”

“Watch this space!”

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Mik c
3 Feb 2023 - 10:28 am

Community rsdio at its best.

Dino Mancini
3 Feb 2023 - 2:33 pm

We congratulate Eastside Radio on what is truly a great achievement in sustainability, quality broadcasting and community service.

For those of us in community radio, we know what a feat this is on so many levels.

Dino Mancini –
Chairperson, 2RRR


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