Social Scorecard: Radio’s top social posts this week

Staff Writer

You thought you were on top on every social platform right? Sorry honey but Snapchat has come along and bitch slapped you with something new to learn!

They’ve introduced a new feature called Snap Map. Basic run down – you’ll be able to share your Stories by location and positioned on a map. Your ‘friends’ won’t be the only ones that can see your content; everyone will be able to check out the videos and pics you may be sharing from a specific location.

Nothing has been rolled out for businesses just yet, so hold your horses. But for on-air personalities, this is something you should be jumping onto.

To access Snap Map, use the two-finger pinch gesture on the main screen of Snapchat – a map will pop up with heat maps. You’ll be able to see spots people are posting Stories, as well as location-based events, like concerts, festivals and events. 

If you tap on people’s ‘ActionMoji’ at a location, it opens up their Story to show what they’re up to or weirdly enough lets you direct message them. Don’t worry though, you can switch on ‘Ghost Mode’ and hide your location.

 What does this mean for you? On-air talent, shows and stations could essentially target their Snap Map Story towards brand-related locations. It also adds another level of social strategy and marketing to station hosted events,  such as pop-up concerts, promotional events or listener meet-and-greets with celebrity guests.

Happy Snap Mapping kids!

Our top picks this week come from KIIS 106.5 FM, Hit Network and Hit 92.9.

1. KIIS FM’s The Thinkergirls: ‘The #dabkechallenge’

An example of having a crack at a viral trend on socials and jumped onto the #dabkechallenge before any other on-air talent. The video length is perfect, it’s really clearly explained and the hilariously nailed their attempt with tailed branding.

2.Hit Network’s Hamish & Andy: ‘And that’s NOT the most time-wasting thing Ham did today’

You’re all jumping on viral social trends and I’m loving this wave of shorter, quality videos. The boys piss farting around in the studio with a fidget spinner in a perfect little piece of content to maintain listeners interest. Shot on a phone, nothing fancy and totally on point.

3. Hit 92.9’s Heidi, Will & Woody: ‘Behind the scenes on our Insta story’

Reposting social content across other to another platform? Big tick and very clever. There’s some gold here, including a performance by Hanson and a horrid whole egg eating dare listeners would have lapped up. I’m glad it didn’t go to waste and it was repurposed.

To submit your content to Radio Today’s Social Scorecard, send us an inbox message via our Facebook page.

Social Scorecard is compiled exclusively for Radio Today.

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