Singleton says 2Day #1 claims ‘bullshit’

Staff Writer

Macquarie Radio Network Director Jack Singleton has said today that newspapers and radio stations "should be sued" for painting 2Day FM as the top dog in the radio ratings.

Speaking in AdNews, he suggested that a more appropriate headline would be; "2GB has just won its seventy-second survey in a row".

Singleton went on to say;

"Every survey for 10 years 2GB has been number one in Sydney, yet the SMH, AdNews and others say '2Day is back on top'.That is true if you want to invent convenient a category called commercial FM".

On 2Day FM specifically, Singleton said that the station was "not even number three". He said that Macquarie Account Managers were in the market telling clients that 2GB is number one, and;

"They get a look of disbelief. We're sick of it. It's infuriating. If we want to invent our own bullshit figures we would".

Singleton neglected to pass comment on cumulative audience, or "less interesting statistics" saying; "elements such as audience and time spent listening where we are superior in every shape and form might be better metrics to focus on".

He finished his comments in AdNews by saying; "congratulations to ABC 702 on coming second. A distant second to 2GB. But a whole percentage point ahead of 2DayFM".

You can read the full interview in AdNews here.



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