Save Our Voices Ramps Up
The Save Our Voices campaign launched a few weeks ago with a heavy TV and social push that transcended to radio as well.
It’s backed by Prime, WIN, Southern Cross Austereo and Imparja – each with either TV or Radio stations in their mix. Today they launched a new salvo with Former Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Nationals, Tim Fischer joining their ranks.
“Everywhere we look, regional voices are being cut back – at the three main regional networks, but also through cuts at the ABC and among Australia’s many independent regional and rural newspapers,”
“Local news and information is vitally important, and it must be protected and preserved if regional and rural Australia is to continue to have a voice.”
The Save Our Voices new campaign will see Tim Fischer front a news series of 60, 45 and 30 second prime time spots across key regional markets. It will be supported by an online and social media campaign. In addition they are also arming themselves with independent community research in key marginal federal electorates. The Save Our Voices campaign is aimed at changing the broadcast rules for regional operators.
“Cuts to local content on regional radio and television are inevitable unless our media laws change,”Tim Fischer goes onto say.
But it hasn’t been all plain sailing with Kerry Stokes Seven West Media, who also has significant radio and television assets across the country, is countering the Save Our Voices push.