‘You flea’: ACMA finds Ray Hadley comments breach ‘decency’ rules

Staff Writer

An Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) investigation has found radio station Triple M 105.1 Central West breached decency rules for comments made by Ray Hadley.

The ACMA investigated a complaint, which aired in May 2019 on The Ray Hadley Morning Show. The shock jock allegedly made threats of physical assault against a social media user.

During the broadcast, Hadley made the comments about an unnamed individual who had allegedly made a remark about broadcaster’s granddaughter.

Hadley’s remarks included “you flea”, “you low-life dog” and inferred that if his family could locate the individual they would “be drinking through a straw for a long, long time”.

ACMA chair Nerida O’Loughlin said the comments were not appropriate for public broadcasting.

“The ACMA recognises that Mr Hadley was being defensive of his granddaughter, however, it is not appropriate for him to use his position as a public broadcaster to direct threatening comments towards an individual,” O’Loughlin said.

The ACMA investigation found the comments breached generally accepted standards of decency under the 2017 Commercial Radio Code of Practice.

This is the first breach of the decency provisions in the Code in relation to Hadley’s show.

The investigation also found there was no breach in relation to comments he made about a junior football match to the police, and the police commissioner.

In response to the findings, Triple M Central West referred the matter to Nine Radio given the program was produced by Nine Radio’s 2GB.

In response, 2GB have counselled Hadley and both 2GB and Triple M Central West will ensure its staff legal compliance training will reference the broadcast and breach findings.

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