Radio Ratings: 5 things to keep in mind on survey day

Staff Writer

As another survey day fast approaches (tomorrow, if you’ve somehow forgotten), it’s often met with a mixed bag of emotions.

Whether it’s peace or panic, networks, managers and talent alike will be eagerly waiting to find out if they are one of the winners or losers in Survey #5.

To ease the strain, here’s Radio Today‘s handy list of the top 5 things you should remind yourself of in the lead up to the big day.

Ratings do fluctuate

Depending on the season, location and other uncontrollable factors, the ebb and flow of ratings is a fact of radio life and there’s not much you can do about it.

Prepare and implement a strategy to move forward

Whether you jump for joy or crumple to the floor at the sight of the numbers, the next step is key to determining how you progress. Stations and managers should make strategic decisions based on the numbers, whether it’s to remedy a weak link or build on any successes.


Track the progress of your competitors

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. In a highly congested market, knowing what you’re up against is a way to capitalise on a rival station’s shortcomings and pursue an innovative and unique path.

Avoid knee-jerk reactions

The world is not going to end as a result of a two-point survey drop. Back yourself and refrain from making any rash decisions that are focused on short-term gains. Maintain commitment and focus. Great stations and programs have a way of being rewarded with more good books than bad.

Listen to your audience

Don’t just pay attention to how other stations have affected your audience, make sure you listen to what your audience is telling you. You can get a pretty good idea about what’s working for you and what isn’t by monitoring engagement, interest levels and general feedback.

Good luck on survey day and be sure to check back tomorrow at 9:30am AEST to see all the latest survey results and analysis.

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