Radio habits explored in Techsurvey 2023


Jacobs Media will present the Techsurvey 2023 results via a free webinar next Wednesday, May 10.

Jacobs Media says “Our annual Techsurvey is the radio broadcasting industry’s largest survey, with this year’s 19th annual study seeing participation from 434 radio stations, yielding more than 30,000 surveys from core radio listeners.”

This year’s study, ‘Radio in the Post-Pandemic Era,’ looks at the current media and radio environment, examining listener behaviours and routines that have morphed post-COVID and with technology’s inevitable march.

The online and offline media habits of radio audiences will continue to be explored, including:

  • With the in-car rebound, who is working from home, and how are both listening environments impacting radio overall?
  • How is AM radio holding up among radio’s biggest fans? And is FM holding its own?
  • What is the appetite for alternate ways of consuming stations/shows? Are listeners tuning in morning shows in ‘real time’ or moving into on-demand and podcasts?
  • How can radio best optimise its podcast strategies?
  • Are smart speakers ready to break out again? And what does this mean for radio?
  • What can we learn about how and why listeners tune to their favourite radio stations?

Techsurvey 2023 is presented in partnership with All Access.

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