Sandilands draws a crowd
Kyle certainly is able to pull a crowd. The seemingly never ending promotion of his book 'Scandalands' which is planted firmly at, or near, the top of the best selling list, continued at ...
Vale Paul Barber
Paul Barber, former 3AW drive-time host died earlier tonight after a battle with cancer. Barber, who was 67, was Derryn Hinch's producer at 3AW in the late 70's. Hinch said: ''He had esophageal ...
Blast from the past
Earlier this week we told you about a new character that was unveiled in the UK to promote digital radio. It's a character named 'D Love' (right), a puppet that Tim Lee from the Fox thinks looks ...
Rudd joins Mitchell on 3AW
Former PM Kevin Rudd will be a regular contributor on 3AW mornings with Neil Mitchell, who said: "This has been months in the making. I approached him a while ago and mentioned that Sir Robert ...