Claire Hooper to exit Mix
Claire Hooper could be leaving the Mix 106.5 breakfast show in Sydney, says The Daily Telegraph this morning. Whilst the Telegraph is reporting it as a 'maybe', we'll go a step further and say it ...
Bunga Bunga
Mick Molloy from Triple M's Hot Breakfast in Melbourne, is getting ready for his 2012 Bunga Bunga party. Many of the details are being kept secret but today he revealed that international adult ...
Media i Award radio winners
On Tuesday night, the Media i Awards were held in Sydney. dmg radio australia took out Radio Rep of The Year awards in SA (Daina Zeibarts), VIC (Shahna Mislicki) and QLD (Brad Roberts). Southern ...
Merrick’s budget blowout
Merrick has been up to something recently. Yesterday he admitted to Rachel & Jules that he had blown the entire Highway Patrol Marketing budget on the "best car in the world". He didn't ...