Laws refuses to meet protestors

Staff Writer

GetUp, Destroy the Joint and ASCA (adults surviving child abuse) have attempted to present the Super Radio Networks John Laws with a petition signed by 40,000 people.

The petition is referring to what they call 'victim blaming' comments on the air during Laws interview of sexual abuse victim a fortnight ago.

Laws did not meet the protestors outside 2SM in Pyrmont, but instead sent a staff member down to collect the petition.



Laws has repeatedly defended the interview telling his critics to 'go to hell'.

ASCA president Cathy Kezelman was critical of Laws, telling AAP;

"He has implied that sexual assault can be the person's fault, even a child's fault, and he has tied it into a person's appearance and being 'provocative….this is a very retrograde and very damaging step … what he has done is reinforce the potential for a survivor to feel responsible."

Watch video from the protest and hear what Laws said on-air here.

See our original story on the interview here, and our opinion piece here.

pictured below: Cathy Kezelman from ASCA, Jenna Price from Destroy the Joint and Erin from Getup with the petition outside 2SM.

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