King Charles thanks 4BC’s Steve Barker for heartfelt radio coverage


4BC Breakfast newsreader Steve Barker says he feels both moved and humbled, after receiving official correspondence from Buckingham Palace, thanking him for his moving tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II.

It was almost a year ago now that radio journalists around Australia experienced one of the biggest, most intense news days of their lives.

As Brisbane woke, Steve – along with Breakfast editor Stephanie McDonald – worked feverishly, determined to do justice to the most recognised woman in the world, following news of her passing.

Around that time, Steve told Radio Today “This was the 9/11 or JFK moment. I appreciated the enormity and gravitas of the situation, underpinned by the urgency and disbelief.”

This week, an official letter from the Palace arrived, which read “His Majesty was deeply touched by Mr Barker’s moving tribute to The late Queen.”

“His Majesty The King would have me share his sincere thanks.”

And yes, Steve says it’s going straight to the 4BC pool room!

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old journo
29 Aug 2023 - 10:34 pm

The letter says “private and confidential”?

Should it actually be published?

Have the appropriate protocols been checked?


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