What's New
BY Sarah Patterson October 4, 2024
What's New March 20, 2015
John Laws; not smiling now
Yesterday 2SM’s John Laws told a sexual abuse victim to ‘smile more’ as he brought the 80 year old victim to tears on his program. After that call, John spoke to Hetty Johnson of Bravehearts.
Hetty ripped into John for the way he handled the earlier call with Brian.
Bravehearts is a support organisation for victims of child abuse. By the six minute mark the call went bad with John Law’s telling Hettie to “Shut-Up”.
John then talked about how he supported Hettie, she replied “You want me to say thank you John?”
Hetty ended up hanging up on John Laws. You can read and hear the earlier story here..
Thanks to the Radio Green Room on Facebook for sharing.
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