International Student Broadcasting Championship 2024 open for entries

The International Student Broadcasting Championship (ISBC) has returned for 2024 with another exciting season of global student media talent discovery and competition and two new categories.

ISBC provides opportunities for networking, feedback, personal brand development, and launching careers. It was founded by leading industry and education professionals passionate about college broadcasting and assisting the transition from student to the media industry. The competition includes everything from radio broadcasting to video and digital content creators and esports casters, aiming to find the best emerging talent in the world.

Annwen Burrows, co-founder of ISBC, said:

“ISBC is about more than just winning awards; it’s about helping students transition from campus to career. We’re here to support them every step of the way.”

New this year is an ISBC Jobs Portal, providing registered students and faculty with access to information on current entry-level jobs worldwide. ISBC also has introduced two new categories: Sports Broadcasting and Esports Broadcasting.

“Our goal is to continually adapt and expand to meet the needs of the industry, students and graduates,” said Marcel Marais co-founder of ISBC. “By adding these new categories, in particular esports, we’re not only recognising the talents of sports and esports colour broadcasters but also aligning ISBC with the latest industry developments.

Dates for ISBC 2024:

• Entries close: November 1, 2024

• Live-streamed finale and winners announcement: November 22, 2024

Students can enter and find further details at the ISBC website. The platform also offers ongoing support and advice, making it easier for participants to navigate the competition.




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