Hughesy goes a week without his addiction

Staff Writer

Nova 100's Dave Hughes was challenged by his co-host Kate Langbroek to give up his smartphone for a week.

It started last Monday when Hughesy agreed to replace his iPhone with a basic handset.

Hughesy told News Limited, "At the traffic lights I would be looking at my screen, which is illegal. I'd be someone who was hoping the red light was red for longer so I could look at Facebook, Twitter or anything really.''

"You don't see them because you're on a phone yourself, but everyone has just become zombies. It's happened subtly but I'm fully aware of it now. You go on a train or any form of transport and have a look at how many people are completely transfixed by their phone.

"I actually recommend everyone should have a go at it (giving up smartphones) just for a few days."

Here's where it all started, last Monday morning on Hughesy & Kate :-

(it's the first segment in this podcast)
or hear it here

See what Hughesy's week was like without his iPhone in The Daily Telegraph here.

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