Hit103.1 tighten grip: Townsville Survey 1, 2022

The Townsville Survey 1, 2022 results have been released today showing dominant forces strengthening their grip on the region.

10+ Snapshot:

  • 24.8 – Hit103.1 (+4.4)
  • 20.3 – 102.3 Triple M (+3.4)
  • 14.1 – Star 106.3 (-1.2)

Hit103.1 have climbed +4.4 in the 10+ category to finish on top with 24.8 after a series of gains in all age demographics except 55-64 (-0.5).

The most significant 10+ gains for Hit103.1 were in the 10-17 (+8.1) and 18-24 (+13.3). Noteworthy gains were also shown in the 25-39 (+3.0) and 40-55 (+4.2).

Where Hit103.1 gained in the younger demographics, 102.3 Triple M had significant rises in the 40-65+ demographic.

Triple M’s +3.4 gain in the 10+ is thanks to the rises in 40-54 (+7.7), 55-64 (+5.8) and 65+ (+8.2).

Both Triple M and Hit103.1 had growth in every time slot. Hit103.1 holds all time slots except for the morning 9-12 slot which is held by Triple M.

triple j has taken a hit in this survey. Overall, triple j showed a -2.1 dip in the 10+ with losses in all of the younger age demographics. This survey showed the 25-39 demographic dropping notably, falling -6.5 since the last survey. triple j also showed drops in all time slots, with the biggest losses being the Drive and Evening falling -3.3.

The biggest gain across all time slots was recorded by Power100 with a significant +10.6 gain in the 7-12 Evening slot.

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Pricey is Townsville
4 Oct 2022 - 4:49 pm

Wow, wow, wow, this survey is more accurate than a Russian annexation poll.

The very sad aspect of this phone poll that hasn’t been discussed is this is another result that besmirches the reputation of the north’s #1 radio breakfast broadcaster, Steve Price.

If it weren’t for SCA’s one size fits all approach of favouring the female skewed station in marketing to aid recall for the phone poll and their silly idea not to schedule a music log exclusively for the station locals continue to know as 4TO, Pricey would be number like he has been for decades and probably still is beyond the tiny phone poll sample.

Melbourne’s best export to Townsville, the colourful vest wearing Steve Price has recognition, recall and a Q score beyond all else by a country mile.

Forget the poll, forget the internal self sabotage and neglect, locals and local clients know, Pricey is their man for results.

Pricey was Townsville
5 Oct 2022 - 8:34 pm

This “phone poll” is still primarily made up of more LANDLINE numbers than mobile numbers. Safe to assume that almost all of Pricey’s main target are the ones more likely to have a landline number. So why isn’t he #1?

Pricey wasn’t just Townsville. He was 4TO. That brand is long gone now like a fart in a cyclone. Triple M continue to do their experiment of 24 formats in as many months. In all the regionals without strong competition, it’s failing at a rapid rate. Pricey is at his best banging on about the sunrise over the intro of Stealers Wheel. Oh how I miss those days.

While I don’t live in Townsville, I was actually in the area for a week about 2 months ago. It was clear to see that most of the resource wasn’t thrown at the female skewed Hit station as you suggest, it was actually Triple M by a Mission Beach mile. They were everywhere, doing everything. God bless them…

Cliffo and Gabby on Hit are a good show, and have been for some time. 2 surveys in a row as Number 1 they have proved their point and deserve to be recognised and congratulated on that despite not having as much resource. Pricey clearly isn’t top of mind in this recall based popularity contest, and his audience have clearly gone somewhere else on the dial.

SCA’s priority should be keeping Hit at Number 1, and stopping Triple M from dropping even further. Soon enough ARN will show up to the party and will be half decent.

The Mediaologist
7 Oct 2022 - 2:31 pm

Hopefully ARN will step in and say “Hey power 100…..you are musically WAY OFF BASE! Lets leave jjj to the alternate unknown genre” Additionally, if you’ve been on the station for over 10 years and still rate #4…it’s time to show you the door.
Star to rebrand kiis or take the Mix Adelaide logs, and Power to take Gold 104
Live and local only counts if you are winning…..The best entertainment and music mix can be piped in from anywhere for much less expense.


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