Hinch returns to TV

Staff Writer

Derryn Hinch is returning to TV as Channel 7's National Public Affairs commentator.

Late last month he was sacked from 3AW (see the story here).

He is said to be starting on Monday, appearing on Sunrise, but will also contribute to Seven News and the Sunday Night program.

Hinch told his 3AW listeners this move represents "new growth and fresh beginnings".

"I’ve got a lot of energy, and a lot of ideas and stories I want to pursue. My doctor says I’ve got a Rolls-Royce liver – and now I’m back at the Rolls-Royce network. I can’t wait to get started."

Seven’s Head of News and Public Affairs, Peter Meakin told The Herald Sun…

"Derryn is an unapologetic crusader – often controversial, but never boring. We are delighted to welcome him back to Seven and look forward to him making waves."

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