Fix Your Show One Thing at a Time

Sometimes programmers put too much pressure on talent by presenting them with a long list of things they would like changed about the show. This is almost always a mistake. Of course, you want to fix everything and have it “right” by tomorrow. But it’s not going to happen.

As a talent coach, it’s common to listen to a personality and instantly recognize 15-20 things that either should or at least could be better. Everything on the list may be valid, but presenting everything at once is overwhelming and often results in talent “shutdown.” They don’t know where to start.

It’s very difficult to concentrate on more than a couple of “fixes” at a time.

A better approach is to create a comprehensive list of everything that needs attention. Then, sort the list, rating everything in three categories:

  1. Major problems that will take a lot of time and work to correct.
  2. Medium problems that will take a few weeks to correct.
  3. Small problems that are fairly quick fixes. Many of these small problems are formatic or technical and can be corrected in a week or less.

Within each category, rank them from most important to least important.

Now, with that list, start to attack. Pick the highest priority small problem and the highest priority major problem first. Focus only on those two things.

Once the small problem is corrected, move on to the next one, while still working daily on the bigger ones. When you cross everything off the “small problem” list, start on the medium list.

By this time, you’ll probably identify new small problems to add to the list as well.

Chances are, you can fix one small thing every week. A year from now, you’ll have corrected 52 problems!

This approach helps talent focus, see and feel results quickly and in a short time, you’ll be amazed at the progress you make.

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