Ten things Tracy Johnson learned from Kidd Kraddick

I still can’t believe he’s gone. It was my privilege to work with Kidd Kraddick.

He was one of the most gracious, kindest personalities I’ve ever met. He was the first to give credit to others and the first to make fun of himself.

Kidd’s self-deprecating wit was an endearing characteristic that was a trademark of the show. In every conversation, he thanked me and told me how much value and inspiration he took from our relationship.

But I learned more from Kidd than he ever took from me.

1. Share The Spotlight

He taught me how to shine the spotlight on others and allow it to reflect back on the show.

2. Self-Deprecating

He taught me how to be endearingly self-deprecating without being wimpy, a trademark of the show.

3. Characters

He taught me how to weave characters into the show creatively. His recurring “Must Be Nice Guy” is still one of the funniest things I’ve heard. Click to hear.

4. Emotion

He taught me that creating emotion on the air is more important than being funny. Though he was genuinely funny, Kidd’s success was the emotional connections he created on the air. He knew how to push the emotion button at just the right time. He knew when to ride it longer, and when it was over. Click to hear his Breaking and Entering Christmas.

5. Character Development

He taught me how to showcase his cast of characters individually. He never cared who had the “big moment,” as long as the moment happened on his show. Character development happened through their interaction and banter. Click to hear.

6. Win The Moment 

He taught me how to capitalise on opportunities by following story arcs that have been created. Kidd’s “I Have a Dream” week featured listener stories, and he regularly followed up.

7. Capitalize

He taught me to think big and showed what radio could do. Kidd’s Kids became a national, year-round charity for critically ill kids.

8. Every Moment Counts

He taught me that every moment counts, including the first break in the morning. It’s not a warm up, it’s show time.

9. Focus

He taught me the value of focus, which was an odd one coming from a guy with terminal ADD. His recipe of success by simplifying the focus on “One Thing” is something I’ll teach personalities forever. Click for more.

10. Grow

He taught me to never stop learning, never stop growing and continue seeking excellence.

We miss you, Kidd.

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