Fifi Box addresses social media comments about her body


This week on the Fifi, Fev & Nick Breakfast show, Fifi Box spoke out against the online trolls who’ve been commenting on her appearance in Fox FM’s recent TV commercial.

Fifi said she was emboldened to speak up with the ongoing discussions around violence against women, and the importance of creating a conversation around the way women, and their bodies, are spoken about.

After posting photos of her outfit from The Fox’s TV commercial on Instagram, Fifi received several nasty comments online.

Fifi said she felt compelled to speak so her daughters knew to always stand up for themselves.

“I want to start by saying I got so many wonderful messages. And one thing I love about my Instagram, my social media, it’s a really warm, loving, fun space.”

“But I do find whenever I put a photo up of myself, there are always one or two comments and there are people, often women, being judgmental about my appearance. And I laugh, I have very thick skin. I’ve been in the media for a long time, and you just can’t affect me, (so) say what you want about my appearance.”

“But I am also the mother of two girls, and I am conscious that when you talk about somebody’s appearance, particularly a woman’s appearance, it absolutely affects their self-esteem, and it does cut deeper.”

“What I would love is for us to stop talking about women’s bodies. Just. Let. Them. Be.”

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