Eddie: ‘I apologise unconditionally’

Staff Writer

Eddie McGuire has just faced a media throng at Southern Cross Austereo in South Melbourne.

He initially spoke and gave an apology over statements he made on the Triple M Breakfast show this morning, before being questioned by reporters;

In part, Eddie said;

"I'm here today to publicly apologise to Adam Goodes for the hurt that (my comments) caused him. I made a slip of the tongue, I wasn't even thinking. I was thinking the exact opposite of what I said."

"It has cut me to the core. I spoke to Adam, I couldnt have offered any more sympathy, not for myself but for the position I've put him in.

I put my foot in it, and and i'm here today happy to cop any criticism. I made a mistake this morning and I let myself down, but the ramifications are greater than that.

I made that comment, it was unintentional, I'm a responsible and experienced broadcaster. I was tired this morning".

Eddie was asked by Mark Robinson from the Herald Sun "how can you say that you weren't racially vilifying someone this morning?"

He responded by saying;

"No that's what your website wrote. You're here today to hear what happened, not to discuss what everybody".

Eddie went on to say;

"All the indigeneous footballers who've looked to me in the past will look and say 'what's this about' so that's why I stand her today. I stand for equality. It burns me to the core that I would be associated with anything that could be related to vilification. I'm happy to take reponsibility but people have to understand that it was a mistake.

When asked what Adam Goodes said when he called him this morning, Eddie said;

"Adam was really upset (but) I don't think he felt vilified because he knows me".

Eddie finished off the 25 minute media conference saying;

"every part of my being is about equality, and people having the right to be who they are, not what they are…..there's no ducking on these things. I made a mistake today full stop. I unconditionally apologise to Adam Goodes particularly and I hope to make sure that my reputation continues the way it always has in this field.

I accept that I made a blue. I've fronted up here today and I'll cop it on the chin. I apologise unconditionally."

(watch the full media conference below)

Collingwood star Harry O'Brien (pictured) has strongly criticised his Club President, saying;

  "I'm extremely disappointed with Eddie's comments and do not care what position he holds. I disagree with what came out his mouth this morning on radio.

"To me Eddie's comments are reflective of common attitudes that we as a society face.

"To me Australia is very casual with racism, I would argue that many people in this country would not think what Eddie or the 13yr (sic) old girl said last Friday is 'bad'.

"In my opinion race relations in this country is systematically a national disgrace and we have a long way to go to reach a more harmonious and empathetic society."



Read the SCA release today regarding Eddie McGuire's Triple M comments below.


  We acknowledge that a comment made by Eddie McGuire on Triple M’s Hot Breakfast show this morning may have been interpreted by some listeners as being racist.

Eddie immediately clarified the meaning of his comment which was not intended to be racist in any way, and apologised to any listeners who were offended.

Speaking after the broadcast Eddie McGuire said:

“My comment was meant to be an ironic reference to the sort of techniques once used by some public relations consultants to publicise new shows.  As I said on air at the first opportunity after I made the comment, I unfortunately mumbled my words and said something I didn’t intend.  I unreservedly apologise.  I have contacted the Sydney Swans to explain the situation to Adam Goodes personally.  Adam was gracious enough to take my call and expressed his disappointment “particularly given what we’ve been through together last weekend”.

I agreed entirely with him and I’m devastated that I am responsible for bringing this issue back into the public arena.   Adam accepted my apology and acknowledged my strong commitment and record in tackling racial vilification not just on the football field but in the wider community.

I sincerely apologise for the hurt caused.”

Triple M also sincerely apologises to any listeners who were offended.  Eddie McGuire has an exemplary record on indigenous issues and Triple M completely accepts his explanation.



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